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Ficha De Matt Hardy

2 participantes

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Ficha De Matt Hardy Empty Ficha De Matt Hardy

Mensaje por Matt_Hardy Lun Oct 20, 2008 4:18 am

Foto de tu luchador : Ficha De Matt Hardy Matthardy
Entrada de tu luchador :

**Se Enciende un TiTaNtRoN**

Ficha De Matt Hardy Th_Matt_Hardy_TitanTron-newFicha De Matt Hardy Th_Matt_Hardy_TitanTron-newFicha De Matt Hardy Th_Matt_Hardy_TitanTron-new
Ficha De Matt Hardy Th_Matt_Hardy_TitanTron-newFicha De Matt Hardy Th_Matt_Hardy_TitanTron-newFicha De Matt Hardy Th_Matt_Hardy_TitanTron-new
Ficha De Matt Hardy Th_Matt_Hardy_TitanTron-newFicha De Matt Hardy Th_Matt_Hardy_TitanTron-newFicha De Matt Hardy Th_Matt_Hardy_TitanTron-new

**El estadio se pone de rojo y azul**

Oh Yeahh!! Woo!!

Ficha De Matt Hardy EntradaMattFicha De Matt Hardy EntradaMatt

Hector Del Mar: Ay sale Matt Hardy!!

Fernando Costilla: Parece Feliz!

I Can Slap a Tornado,
I Can Dry Up a Sea, Yeah
When i Live For The Moment,
There Aint No Aint No In Me.
I Can Slap a Tornado,
I Can Dry Up a Sea, Yeah
When i Live For The Moment,
There Aint No Aint No In Me.

Now Dont You Sell Me No Future, Yeah
Dont YouSell Me Your Love
I Aint't Vouchin's Your Number
You Coluldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
Couldn't Pay Me Enough
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Me Enough,
You Couldn't Me Enough.

Ficha De Matt Hardy MattFicha De Matt Hardy Matt

Hector Del Mar: Bonita Musica

Fernando Costilla: Weno...

Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough.
Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough.

Ficha De Matt Hardy EntradaMatt1Ficha De Matt Hardy EntradaMatt1

Hector Del Mar: Camina x la rampa

Fernando Costilla: y va saludando

Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough.
Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough,
You Couldn't Pay Me Enough.

Ficha De Matt Hardy EntradaMatt2Ficha De Matt Hardy EntradaMatt2

Hector Del Mar: Sube a la metalica y mira de un lado al otro y entra al ring

Fernando Costilla: Se ve ke viene muy desidido.

Ficha De Matt Hardy Matt2Ficha De Matt Hardy Matt2

Hector Del Mar: Se sube al ring

Fernando Costilla: El publico se a puesto como loco

Ficha De Matt Hardy EntradaMatt3Ficha De Matt Hardy EntradaMatt3

Hector Del Mar: Se sube a la cuerda y hace su taunt.

Fernando Costilla: Eso le encanta a los fans.

Wrestler elejido : Matt Hardy
Caracter elejido : Face
Finisher : Twist Of Fate / Super Twist Of Fate

Ficha De Matt Hardy Matthardytwistoffate053fw //Ficha De Matt Hardy Untitled3wl

Mensajes : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 20/10/2008

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Ficha De Matt Hardy Empty Re: Ficha De Matt Hardy

Mensaje por ™-•Skeight•-™ Lun Oct 20, 2008 4:20 am

Arrow Raw
Arrow Camerino
Arrow Estadisticas

Mensajes : 446
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2008


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